Monday, February 05, 2007

2nd June: Mary at Bolton

Mary at Bolton: Mary Queen of Scots in Yorkshire, 1568-9. One day conference, Bolton Castle, Leyburn, Yorkshire. Conference fee £30. Please book by 30th April.

  • John Guy (author of My Heart is My Own: The Life of Mary Queen of Scots) Mary Queen of Scots: sex and spin
  • Harry Bolton, The ramblings of Mary Queen of Scots
  • Emma Watson, Maintaining the faith of their fathers: the endurance of traditional religion in early-Elizabethan Yorkshire
  • Krista Kesslering, Mary Queen of Scots and the rebellion of 1569
  • Peter Brears, The household organisation and management at Bolton in the 16th century
  • Steve Moorhouse, Bolton Castle in its 16th century setting
Further details: Emma Shaw, CRLHR, University of Teeside, Middlesbrough, TS1 3BA, Tel: 01642 384665, email:

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